On May 5, 2015, I visited a shrine in Shirakawa-machi, Kamo-gun, Gifu Prefecture, “大山白山神社 (Ooyama Hakusan Shrine)”.
Ooyama Hakusan Shrine is set on the mountaintop of Hakusan (altitude 862 m). It is easy to climb up to the entrance of the shrine by car. The view on the way is very wonderful. You can see the beautiful nature of Shirakawa Town. By the way Shirakawa town is a famous tea room “Shirakawa tea”. There is a difference in temperature and it is suitable for tea cultivation.
According to tradition, it is said that 養老 2 years (718 years), was established and built by Kaga nation Hakusan Hime Shrine. The former company is a prefecture company. There seems to be a theory that Ooyama Shrine of Mino Kuno Gun, Mino County of Engi ceremony god name book.
There is a shrine on top of the mountain. A long staircase follows.
Although it seems that Nagoya can be seen when turning around on a fine day, although it was fine we were hazy and unfortunately I could not see it. But the view is nice.
The shrine is still ahead. It is long.
Finally the hall of worship was visible.
It is a company with a pretty grand appearance.
According to tradition, Nohara castle fell castle in 1010 (1582), but Mr. Yasue Castle stopped samurai and became a farmer though the civilization was restored by the castle owner “Yasue Motomasa” in November 12 (1480) . Mr. Yasue said that he was responsible for the restoration of Hakusan Shrine after that. Actually my maternal is Yasue surname, my grandfather is from Higashi Shirakawa village, so it may be a person who is an ancestor. I feel a little happy.
Actually there is still ahead from here. I mean, there is Okunoin, and I can find some wonderful things from there.
It is not good to climb the stairs on the right, so climb the stone steps. Huh, it’s pretty tough.
It is a tremendous huge tree. This cedar cedar is said to be 8.8 m around the trunk, 36 m high, over 1,200 years old, is a national natural treasure. This is one of the wonderful things.
I am arriving at Okunoin. “Kukurihimenokami” “Izanaginomikoto” and “Izanaminomikoto” are enshrined in the central main shrine. In addition, Kumano shrine on the right hand side, Kaze shrine company and Suhara shrine company on the left are seced.
When you turn around from the side of Okunoin, behind the scenes, a wonderful landscape spreads in front of you.
What you see on the left is Hakusan. It is the headquarters of Hakusan Faith. And on the right is Ontakesan. You can still see the plume. This place with Ooyama Hakusan shrine (this mountain is also called Hakusan) was probably one of the worship places to see Hakusan from old days, is not it? Even so, it’s a perfect place to go for a hole. Two hundred mountains of Japan can be seen two at a time.
大山白山神社 Ooyama Hakusan shrine where you can feel the majesty and mystery of nature at hand. Please try experiencing the scenery from the summit once.